Friday, February 22, 2013

Utah Legislation Session 2013

Utah is in full swing for their legislative session. There have been numerous adoption related bills. There are quite a few bills that we support, that will be helpful for protecting father's rights. We still have a long ways to go, but I think it's a start.

SB183 helps with pushing agencies, birthmoms or father's, or adoptive parents for commiting fraud. It can be punishable by revoking of the agency's license or can reap attorneys fees if fraud can be proven. Although, this is a good step it doesn't remove the fraud immunity statue in the law and the adoption would not solely be reveresed based on fraud. In Jake's case, we have OUTRIGHT fraud in multiple forms and it would still not bring Jake and Jack together.

SB155 is a bill for open adoption agreements to be enforceable. This will be a great tool for parents thinking to place and are made promises in return for their child. These promises should be upheld. Although, they made revisions to this bill and it will only apply to DCFS currently.

Here is a story Fox13 ran about the legislative bills and Jack's story.

Fox13 Clip

SALT LAKE CITY – A Utah senator has introduced legislation that would provide legal rights for the father of a child put up for adoption.
It’s a scenario you may be familiar with: a mother gives birth to her child and doesn’t tell the father when she gives up the baby for adoption. The dad is left with no legal rights because of a legal loophole, a legal loophole some say could cost a father his child, and a bill aimed at changing that was debated in a committee hearing Tuesday, that got very heated at times.
Some excerpts (a conversation between Senator Luz Robles, D-Salt Lake County, the sponsor of the adoption bill and the chair of the committee):
“It’s my bill Senator, point of order.”
“Thank you.”
“Senator, let me answer your question.”
“Wait, whoa whoa. Questions directed at the Chair. I don’t want badgering going on.”
“I didn’t get an answer to my question.”
Questions and concerns over the adoption bill left its fate in the hands of the committee, where it’s being held for now.
Wes Hutchins, an adoption attorney, says the legislation would have held adoption agencies more accountable. Hutchins claims some agencies encourage deception and lies.
“Adoption agencies coach Mothers on how to cut birth fathers out of the parenting picture,” Hutchins said.
However, lawmakers echoed several concerns saying, “We’re saying that after an adoption occurs in this bill, anyone can say a lie was told in the process?”
Despite strong testimony from Jennifer Graham, whose son has never meet his baby boy Jack because his birth mother gave him up for adoption without his knowledge, legislators said the current law would have protected him had filed for paternity before his child was born.
“He was told that if he did that he would never see his son,” said Jennifer Graham.
“Understood,” said one State Senator.
“That is in text message,” replied Graham.
“I can see that but the law would have worked if he would have filed. You’d have your grandson.”
The Committee did not vote on Senator Robles’ bill, instead deciding to bring it back another day during the session.

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